02 December 2015

Finding Your Inner Peace In A Frantic World

Wednesday, December 02, 2015
It's almost year-end and I just realized how lonely it has been on my blog for almost 12 months. It has been too quiet here for sure. To all my loving Blogger friends out there. I'm sorry for not standing by, but it doesn't mean at all that I don't carry you in my heart.

The reason why I'm writing again this time is that I wanted to share something that I learned this year... Something that seems to soothe my heart.

A heart that like others can be sometimes caught up in restless emotions will find its inner peace, once you decided to let go of the past and walk in the future. That's truly easier said than done and needs great effort on our part if the reoccurring images are always coming back to haunt you. Forgetting needs process and can't be done if you keep reminding yourself.

Seek for something you believe in and gives you a strength to stay straight on the ground. Believe that though all of the harshnesses you are going through, there is still more beauty and happiness in your life, if you start to count and realize all the little blessings. Because, we humans, tend to forget all these in front of pain that comes into our hearts.

Finding your inner peace in a frantic world is not easy, but doesn't mean that it can't be done. So, cheer up. Pick up the pieces of your heart and show yourself that you can be happy. Yourself, not others. Because happiness lies within you, not in someone else, and for sure not in the material world. 

Let's prepare for a happy 2016, everyone!

Music is expression of harmony in sound.
Love is the expression of harmony in life
~Stephen F. Gaskin
Keep a song in your heart.

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