Moments of terror. Snake pit; I can’t close my eyes. Calm a pondering heart. Will I stand this fight? Thee, brave warrior inside. Kee...
Two Little Boys The Muffed Target 13
Well, there is actually just one little boy in the photo. My nephew. But add him up to my boy and you'll have rumble in da house. The...
Des'ree: You Gotta Be #MM
The kids are having school examinations for a week. So, I'm quite sure that my time will be more than full packed along with all those ...
Three Things Tag & Two Awards
Almost two weeks ago, the three things tag & two awards were passed on to me by my friend Imagina's Pages . Thanks for thinking of ...
Night, Moon & Stars | Poetry Potluck
Thanks to Amanda & Kavita at Jingle Poetry for this week's theme: Night, Moon & Stars Dark as the night Reflections of the moon...
Natasha Bedingfield: Pocketful of Sunshine #MM
Pocketful of Sunshine performed by Natasha Bedingfield has me moving this week. I love the song's upbeat rhythm and the lyrics fit my cu...
How To Disable Facebook Instant Personalization
Did you know that the new Facebook Instant Personalization privacy setting shares your user information to third party websites on default?...
8 Tag Questions
My friend Amanda @ Bloggin' with Amanda has been tagged with 8 tag questions and passed them on to me. I need to answer these question...
Paper Windmill Craft | The Muffed Target 10
This is the silhouette of a paper windmill craft made by me and my daughter for one of her school projects. As usual, we love to take photos...
Rob Thomas: Little Wonders Lyrics #MM
The song Little Wonders written and performed by Rob Thomas really got stuck into my head, when we were watching Meet The Robinsons on Satur...
Nessa's Writer Workshop: Assignment 1-3
Thanks to Nessa Sunday (20100829) : Write one sentence about what I want; why I am participating in “Do It, Write!” Be as specific as possi...
Secret | Sensational Haiku Wednesday
Thanks to Jenn for this week's theme Secret Come closer, my dear . I'll whisper to you my heart. No one else to hear. ~RA The meme ...