To My Beloved Husband Because in everything I do you always have a part, Because a loving thought of you is always in my heart, Becau...

...I just need to hear the harmony
To My Beloved Husband Because in everything I do you always have a part, Because a loving thought of you is always in my heart, Becau...
Life seems to settle down again, little by little... One step at a time. My Mom gets more mobile again with each new day. I admire her coura...
It is time again for some Weekend Reflections hosted by James at Newton Area Photo and Friday’s Fave Five hosted by Susanne at Living To...
This morning I had been searching blood donations for my mother's kidney surgery tomorrow. We received surprising news that there might ...
Thanks to all your prayers, good thoughts and warm words of encouragement. It really means a lot to me and soothes my soul. I carry all of y...
Besides of my mother's electrolyte imbalance, it turned out that she has an infected kidney. A surgery was planned for this Tuesday, but...
The women in my mother's family are influenced by electrolyte imbalance, including me. Somehow my mother's calcium levels went down ...
It is already the 4th day of 2010 and looking back at 2009 seems a little bit late. Maybe it might be more appropriate to Welcome 2010. Bu...