This is what I noticed so far. It is a social media where people can collect and share their favorite articles, events, hobbies, videos etc. by pinning some images on a certain Pinterest wall or board organized by topics.
Now, what is meant by pinning? The Pinterest team says on their website:
A pin starts with an image or video you add to Pinterest. You can add a pin from a website using the Pin It bookmarklet or upload an image right from your computer. Any pin on Pinterest can be repinned, and all pins link back to their source.
I guess basically this social media works around images with a certain mechanism through their bookmarklet tool, unless you upload the image right onto your Pinterest board. Please, correct me if I'm wrong... cause I'm still learning here.
Anyway, the main reason I'm talking about "What is Pinterest?" relates to my intentions of a blog makeover. I've been away for so long that I realized there are quite some changes in the way people are blogging.
Blogs are looking different now. There are pin it buttons, responsive templates that adapt to different browsers to give the viewer a better experience, the layout and fonts seemed to become larger. That's way I think I really need a new, refreshing look...
A blog makeover with a Pinterest button. Despite of the fact, I may or may not join this social media. I have been on a hiatus for many reasons... One of them limited time, because I need to focus on certain matters. But, I miss blogging... and since things have slowed down. I'm getting myself more "me time" again.
Music is expression of harmony in sound.
Love is the expression of harmony in life
~Stephen F. Gaskin
Keep a song in your heart.
1 appreciated note(s):
I started to join Pinterest for giveaway purposes. It all started with some bloggers who want to giveaway some things and one of their prerequisite is to own an account. By grouping these giveaways in one board, others who stumble upon your account will take note and go to the source site when there is a new giveaway hosted!
I hope I'm making sense here... Have a great weekend!
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