I just wanted to let you know that the school holidays have begun here in Indonesia. They last from December 25th, 2009 until January 9th, ...
Wish for A Joyous Holiday
I am wishing everyone joyous holidays and a wonderful New Year. May we become even better persons in the upcoming year. Music is expression...

The Perfect Mother Day Gift
Did you know that tomorrow is Mother's Day in Indonesia? I think I already have received the perfect mother day gift . Today my 9 year...
My Son's Weekend Reflections
This is the first time I join Weekend Reflections hosted by James at Newton Area Photo . Thanks for hosting, James . The photo above was ta...

Counting Your Blessings While You Still Can
Thank you, Susanne! It is time again for another Friday’s Fave Five hosted by Susanne at Living To Tell The Story . She says: It...
Going Through Recoveries
It is time again for another Friday’s Fave Five hosted by Susanne at Living To Tell The Story . She says: It's a place to come...

Random Dozen #15 | Simple Notes
Thanks for hosting, Linda 1. Which physical trait do you now accept--maybe not love, but accept--and no longer feel extremely self-consciou...

A Perfect Idea | Microfiction Monday #8
Welcome to Microfiction Monday, where a picture paints 140 characters...or even fewer. Susan at Stony River Farm hosts Microfiction Monday...
Items that Give You Joy
Thank you, Susanne! It is time again for another Friday’s Fave Five hosted by Susanne at Living To Tell The Story . She says: It...