19 December 2009

My Son's Weekend Reflections

Saturday, December 19, 2009
Ben 10 Wrist Toy
This is the first time I join Weekend Reflections hosted by James at Newton Area Photo. Thanks for hosting, James . The photo above was taken by my 5 year old son who just loves to experiment with my camera. Do you know what it is?

My son actually put his Ben 10 wrist toy near the window, so that the sun could shine on the changeable transparent figures and create some reflections. It seems that he was very excited changing the figures on top of the wrist toy, moving them into several directions, resulting in different reflections and then taking photos of them. Children really do know how to have a great time, don't they. Sometimes we could learn from them .

I appreciate every visit and comment to Music of My Life, but love even more to become good friends. Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!

21 appreciated note(s):

Guy D said...

Nice shot from your son, thanks for sharing.

All the best
Regina In Pictures

sunnymama said...

How cool! Your son did a great weekend reflection. :)

Ebie said...

Hello, Rosidah, good morning over there! You are still up, eh! Welcome to Weekend Reflections!
Great shot you shared with us today! Children are sometimes the most inquisitive and creative when they try to experiment things.

Enjoy your weekend and holidays!


quilly said...

I love the way you include your children in your blogging. They will never wonder if mommy loves her computer more than she loves them. For that alone, this is a great shot.

It is also amazing clear and well-composed for a 5 year old! Keep nurturing that talent!

Anonymous said...

Oh we definitely learn from our kids, I learned just as much from my daughter as she's learned from me. Tell your son I said, "Great experiment"

Crafty Green Poet said...

that's a lovely shot, the reflections are cool!

Anonymous said...

Nice photo. Keep him interested, he has a good eye.

Julie said...

It is so good that your son can experiment with photography at such an early age. By the time he is an adult he will be an excellent photography if this image is anything to go by. He has captured the reflections of the sun very well.

Susan at Stony River said...

Your son's amazing with a camera!

I love the way he caught the light in this, especially contrasted against the lovely ladies in the background LOL. A lovely shot altogether.

I hope you're having a wonderful weekend together!

Dimple said...

Neat shot! I don't know what that figure is, but the light through it is interesting.

Gemma Wiseman said...

An incredibly unusual reflection! Looks wonderful!

Anonymous said...

BRAVO to your son. He's going to be fantastic with the camera. Maybe I can learn a thing or two or three. Thanks for sharing this and I'm glad your in Weekend Reflections. It's a real fun meme to do. :) I hope you and your family have a wonderful week ahead. Love the photo :) xoxoxo

Jean said...

boy boy learning to shot yea..

A smile from SJ =)

Ingrid said...

wow ! that's amazing for a 5 year old, I think he is very talented !

Unknown said...

I agree with the other bloggers. Handling a camera at an early age is good learning and training. So, keep it up! Good capture:)

Lee said...

Hi Rosidah, kids are always great fun to be with. No need for a TV, ha ha.
Rosidah, if free pop over my place, I have something for you. Nest regards, Lee.

RA said...

@All: Thanks for the wonderful comments. Have a great week and holiday :)
@Guy: Best wishes to you, too :)
@Ebie: It was already night here. Thanks for the welcome and the encouragement. Hugs :)
@Quilly: Thanks for the encouragement :). This was a shot of several ones. I liked it the most.
@Tricia: TY. I have told him and he was very excited :)
@Crafty Green Poet: TY for the compliment :)
@Awarewriter: TY for the support :)
@Juli: TY for the encouragement :)
@Susan: I loved the background, too. I wonder of it was on purpose or not. TY :)
@Dimple: The kids say the figure's name is Spider Monkey.
@Gemma: TY for the kind words :)
@Thom: You are too modest, my friend :). I hope you and your family have a wonderful week, too. xoxoxo
@SJ: TY, my dear :)
@Gattina: TY for the lovely words :)
@Keats: TY for the wonderful encouragement :)
@Lee: Wow what a beautiful gift in a very lovely post! Thank you so much. Bless you :)

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

You have a very creative boy, Tell him it is Ka Pai (Good job from me in Maori, a teacher.)

James said...

That is so cool. I love this very creative photo. Your son is very talented and very fortunate. I didn't discover the fun of photography until I was in my 40's.

wenn said...

so creative.

Maude Lynn said...

That's really cool!