Thank you, Susanne!
It is time again for another Friday’s Fave Five hosted by Susanne at Living To Tell The Story. She says:
It's a place to come on Friday's and think back over your week and just post about 5 favorite things from your week. It can be anything that tickled your fancy over the week. Favorite quotes, posts, happenings, scriptures, recipes, pictures, great internet finds, etc., etc.
I really like the thought of thinking back over our weekly life. It is a good way to reflect and find these hidden gems of blessings. Here is my Friday’s Fave Five for this week:
1. Last week I wrote that I love it when my husband takes a day off from work. It turned out that he actually took a week off. What a wonderful surprise! Family time is definitely a favorite.
2. My husband's birthday. Wishing him a lot of joy and blessings as he steps into another year. All of us had a great time!
3. We just began renovating the house to make a room for my son. I know there's still a lot of work to do, but getting things started is good.
4. Torch lights and a long weekend. Last night a torch march passed our home. I grabbed the camera and took a short video, but it isn't anything compared to the real event. I know you can hardly see a thing, but I hope it will give a sense of how exciting it was. You can hear the sound of traditional drums. We have a national holiday here in Indonesia, and therefore a long weekend. I LOVE long weekends! If only there were more of them.
5. On a sad note, three mothers passed away at school this week. It is always hard to receive news like these. But I think it is also a reminder to appreciate life even more and try to spend every minute as best as you can. I hope that they rest in peace and the families left behind will soon find the strength to cope with the great loss.
3. We just began renovating the house to make a room for my son. I know there's still a lot of work to do, but getting things started is good.
4. Torch lights and a long weekend. Last night a torch march passed our home. I grabbed the camera and took a short video, but it isn't anything compared to the real event. I know you can hardly see a thing, but I hope it will give a sense of how exciting it was. You can hear the sound of traditional drums. We have a national holiday here in Indonesia, and therefore a long weekend. I LOVE long weekends! If only there were more of them.
5. On a sad note, three mothers passed away at school this week. It is always hard to receive news like these. But I think it is also a reminder to appreciate life even more and try to spend every minute as best as you can. I hope that they rest in peace and the families left behind will soon find the strength to cope with the great loss.
This is my 9-year-old daughter's list for this week:
1. Drinking warm tea. (She has a sore throat, so I really think this must be a real blessing for her right now)
2. Good grades on her examinations.3. Riding the bike with her brother.
4. Her father's week off.
5. Wearing her new pajama. It was also a birthday present.
This is my 5-year-old son's list for this week:
1. Watching TV (I told him that I'm not too fond of this choice, but he said Why not, Mom? It is my list, isn't it?)
2. Riding the bike with his sister.3. The weekend.
4. Worn out clothes.
5. Holidays.
I appreciate every visit and comment, but love even more to become good friends. Have a wonderful day, everyone!
24 appreciated note(s):
Hello Rosidah. How are you?
You can't beat 5 year old logic! I think it perfectly understandable that TV is on his list of favorite things. I hope he always thinks of it as a treat and not a way of life!
It is great that you had so much family time. Those are the best moments in life.
yes, a holiday is always welcomed:) it's true that we must appreciate our loved ones as much as we can before it is too late. the best time is now! have a good weekend!
@Regina: Hello, I'm fine. TY. I hope you had a wonderful vacation. It's so good to see you back again.
@Quilly: Your words are so true. Have a wonderful time.
@Keats: Right, the best time is now. Have a good weekend :)
Hau`oli La Hanau to your husband and what a great surprise that he was off the whole week. I loved the video and could hear those drums clearly. That must be awesome :) Woot for your son. I love his response to you about his TV...Atta boy... LOL And your daughter getting good grades on her exams...Too bad all kids don't think like that. Wonderful my friend :)
@Thom: My husband really got me on this one. Yes, the torch lights felt awesome at night! I'm glad you enjoyed the video. Thx for the wonderful comment on my kids :).
Hello Rosidah, I always enjoy your list and your childrens' lists. The video was interesting to listen to - that must have been very thrilling to watch as it passed. Best wishes with the addition of the room - won't that be fun for your son to get a new place of his own? You are right, we should treasure each and every minute.
hv a nice weekend..
@Mildred: TY. Traditional drums are really interesting. I wish you could see them on the video. My son is very excited about his new room :).
@Wenn: Have a nice weekend, too :).
Yay for long weekends! Your five-year old's TV cracked me up. Mine was watching Pinnochio for 3 days. I'm guessing it must be one of his faves if he submitted a Friday's fave list :) Have a great weekend.
I find television to be a perfect 5 year old favorite! I HOPE it means that he doesn't get too much of it and that it is special time for him. And I LOVE that he is thankful for his "worn out clothes" - the comfy ones, I'm sure! :)
I'm glad your daughter enjoys her warm tea. My children would never drink tea for ANY thing - they just don't know what they're missing. I hope she feels better soon!
So sad to hear about those 3 mothers... in ONE week. How sad! I will pray for their families as well.
But how GREAT that your hubby surprised you with a week off! I agree it is always so nice to have family time together.
Have a wonderful week Rosidah!
I love the kids' lists, as always! Happy Birthday to your husband, and thank you for the video of the torch procession: I love long weekends and holidays!
I hope yours is wonderful!
Time off for husbands and daddy's is an AWESOME thing! My husband is working a half day today and then is off for the next two weeks. YAY!!! We can't wait to have daddy home with us!
So glad you enjoyed it and I hope your daughter begins to feel better very soon!
Merry Christmas!
Selamat Pagi, Rosidah! What festival and holiday is this? I don't recall one in mid December.
I enjoy reading your children's FFFs too.
I know I loved a week of having my husband on vacation, especially when the children could spend more time with him.
Have a great weekend!
How fun to have a candle and drum procession go by. Sounds like lots of fun.
Unexpected weeks off are the best.
Congrats to your daughter on her good grades. I hope she feels better soon.
Your little boy sounds like quite the character. His answers made me smile.
@Hazel: Ah, I'm familiar with the repeating of favorite programs. LOL. We adults get so easily bored, while children do so much enjoy their time. Have a great weekend, too :)
@Melli: Sometimes my son does get too much TV, but I'm glad that he enjoys playing outside the house even more. TY for the well wishes. My daughter is getting better now. The loss of these mothers is really sad. They were all still in their thirties. TY for the prayers. Bless you. Have a wonderful week, too :)
@Susan: TY for the birthday wish. Have a wonderful week, too :)
@Carrie: Enjoy your family time! TY for the well wishes. I hope all of you will have a splendid holiday :)
@Willow: Selamat pagi! It is the national holiday for 1 Muharram. Have a great weekend, too :)
@Susanne: The parade was a lot of fun. We enjoyed watching it. TY for the well wishes. Have a wonderful week :)
@Brenda: I must admit that TV actually counts as a favorite, too ;). Have a wonderful week :)
Salam Maal Hijrah to you and your family too.
What an interesting way to share your weekly blessings! I've not heard of Torch March. Thks for sharing the video!
@Jama: TY. I hope you have a wonderful Muharram and New Year :)
@Shirley: TY, my dear :).
I've always look forward in reading your Friday's blessings. It helps me think of my own - even though I didn't get the presents I wanted. LOL~!
Anyway, Happy weekend and Happy Maal Hijrah my dear friend(^_^)
@Waileng: TY, my dear. You know how much it means to me :)
Youre childrens list is always so nice to read :-)
Thanks for the smile today !!!
I loved your video :-)
Have a wonderful weekend
LOL...worn out clothes. What a typical 'boy' thing to say.
You've made me want to see a torch parade. Can you tell us more about its significance and the paricipants?
A week off for hubby! What a blessing.
Have a merry Christmas!
Just popping back to say no FFF on Christmas Day but we'll be back next week to kick off New Years.
Merry Christmas!
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