My dear friend Keats The Sunshine Girl has decided to join Blog For FT , a competition for Malaysian Bloggers organized by the Ministry of F...

You're In My Heart | I've Been Tagged
I'm so thankful and delighted that my dear friend Amanda at MooreBlogLife has sort of tagged me with the following: This is so cute and ...

My First Random Dozen (#9) | Simple Notes
Thanks for hosting, Linda 1. Tell me something about your favorite teacher. I consider every person who has taught me something valuable in...

A Thousand Words In Idioms: Final Edition
My dear friend Jientje at Heaven Is In Belgium came up with a wonderful meme called A Thousand Words In Idioms , and I really enjoyed thi...
Short Notice: On Vacation & A School Paper
View on the way home from Safari Garden Dear friends, tomorrow I will be off on a one week vacation to Singapore. I still don't know, i...
Between Birth and Death, Life Your Life to The Fullest
Today is my first time to join Friday’s Fave Five hosted by Susanne at Living To Tell The Story . I read on her blog that she is not feeli...
A Thousand Words In Idioms & Watery Wednesday
My dear friend Jientje at Heaven Is In Belgium came up with a wonderful meme called A Thousand Words In Idioms , and I really enjoy this ...

Open Source Blog Post Award
I'm so thankful and delighted that my dear friend Thom at Thom's Place 4 Well Whatever thought of me for this unique award. What m...

Fly Like An Eagle | Seal
Thanks for the upload SealAngel (David J. Cale) This is a late post, because I'm currently on a very slow connection ( again ). I have f...
Simple Ways To Help Going Green On Vacation
Violet Flower at Safari Garden Right now, we are preparing for a family holiday at the end of this month. That's why I thought of s...

Flower Idioms
Flowers are one of my greatest passion, I thought that I would share these flower idioms for this week. Here we go ... L is for "...

Jordin Sparks Faith Lyrics
Thanks for the upload itsYiin It's hard to see all the sadness of the Sumatera earthquake on the news these days. So I have been searc...

Sumatera Earthquake
After the shocking Tasikmalaya earthquake at the beginning of September, another devastating earthquake struck Indonesia at the end of this ...