Every year when this day comes, it fills my heart with joy and pleasure. It's a special event in my life to celebrate the moment I becam...
Transition | Sensational Haiku Wednesday
Thanks to Jenn for this week's theme Transition Golden gates open. Step forward to grab a chance. Goodness finds some ways. ~R...
Paul Cézanne's Google Doodle for 172nd Birthday
First of all, what is Google Doodle ? Basically it is a sketch or drawing occasionally made to decorate Google's official logo on their...
Dishwalla: Home Lyrics #MM
If you have been away from home for a long time or are searching for a moment of peace, the song "Home" by Dishwalla is dedicated ...
Deception | Sensational Haiku Wednesday
Thanks to Jenn for this week's theme Deception A stab in the back. Unveil script of hidden mask. No worth trails of tears. ~RA...
N-Dubz ft. Bodyrox: We Dance On, Street Dance OST Lyrics #MM
There are those days in life where you just inevitably have to face all pressures and tribulation coming into your way. Hell yeah, they migh...
Doldrums | Sensational Haiku Wednesday
Thanks to Jenn for this week's theme Doldrums Sick and tired of all. Can you bear a jaded heart? Retrieve strength once more. ...
Tamar Kaprelian: New Day Lyrics #MM
I'm still in new year mood. It's the first month and there already have been so many turns and decisions to make in my life. I just ...
New Year Resolutions | Sensational Haiku Wednesday
Thanks to Jenn for this week's theme Resolutions See new horizons. Forget shadows of the past. Let's make a fresh start. ...
A Mouthful Of ... | The Muffed Target 18
My son had stuffed a mouthful of ... into his cheeks. You actually should be able to recognize what he was eating, because some of it was ...
Charice Pempengco: Pyramid Lyrics #MM
This is my first Musical Monday for 2011, and my first post after a one month blogging break due to a broken fibula with knee injury that st...