04 June 2010

Three Word Thursday 55

Friday, June 04, 2010
Thanks to Quilly at Quilldancer

There might be times in your life where you have went through fatuity. Things that you have regret and you would change, if you could go back in time. Foolish decisions, which might lead to jeremiad or sorrow. Dark times that put shadow on your soul or even scatter your belief. Don't forbid yourself to rely on panjandrums, beloved family and friends with the power to help. Because if you can't stand up by yourself, sometimes you need a lending hand.

These weeks words are:
  • fatuity, n. smug stupidity; utter foolishness
  • jeremiad, n. a prolonged lamentation
    or mournful complaint
  • panjandrum, n. a powerful personage
    or pretentious official
Please join us in our weekly romp as we try to rescue lost and forgotten words from the dusty halls of antiquity. [...] You’ll be entertained (and possibly educated) all at once.

Music is expression of harmony in sound.
Love is the expression of harmony in life

~Stephen F. Gaskin

Keep a song in your heart.

2 appreciated note(s):

Anonymous said...

Beautiful and all so true. What a great use of the words my friend. Well done. Have a great weekend :) xoxox

quilly said...

Hey Rosidah. Welcome to Three Word Thursday! You made a very wise post with these words. Family and God are the perfect shelters during hard times, be they emotional or physical.