A few days back it was a similar situation with red mud. I was so stunned that I totally forgot to take a photo. Does anyone have a great tip to remove red mud from clothes? If so, please let me know in my comment section ;).
“Every child and every generation must have the opportunity to explore, discover and learn in these outdoor classrooms.”
~ Randy Widera (Source: ThinkExist)
This might not be the kind of outdoor or watery image some of you had in mind, so I added another photo from my blog archives. You can see the White Crater located in Ciwidey, Bandung, West Java. My husband took this shot on one of our family vacations. Sorry to all my friends who have already seen it before. It is one of my favorite photos.

27 appreciated note(s):
the White Crater lake looks interesting--is it safe for swimming? water and little boys mean wet fun.:p
No, I don't think that it's safe for swimming. There's a lot of sulfur. But it is a favorite spot for pre-wedding shots. My boy goes on his wet fun almost everyday ;p. Have a wonderful day :)
Bad news, you can't get the red mud out of his clothes. Good news, here in North America we pay a lot of money for clothes stained in red mud!
I love mud. It's gushy in your hands.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving if you celebrate and a Happy Thursday just to celebrate.Wild Turkeys
it's been a long time since I've played with mud. Anyway, how about putting some scrubbing the stain with tooth paste? I know it worked when I tried removing rust from a skirt. By the way, I use Darlie brand. I'm not sure if other brands work the same or not (^_^)
Good luck~!
Wish I could help with the red mud challenge, but alas ... methinks it's hopeless. Love BOTH outdoor photos this week. Thanks for dropping by Small Reflections. I'm also participating at Happily Retired Gal where I'm celebrating my 1st Blogoversary today ;-)
Hugs and blessings,
You son looks like he had a very good time helping to clean the pool! Cute shot. And I love the picture of the White Crater, it's gorgeous. Happy Outdoor Wednesday. Kathy
Ha! Boys will be boys and kids will always be kids with so much fun. Anyway, the white crater is a sight to behold.
Quilly is right, the pigment in red mud is pretty permanent, it may fade after many washes but it is there for the long haul sweetie. Love the shot of you little man, all boys need adventures don't they?
Both shots are great, but the 1st one would have been just fine! Boys will be boys! heheheee That's hilarious!
Agreeing with Quilly...here when you get in the red dirt...well it's just there to stay. But it does become a favorite of mine as I love my clothes the more worn and tattered they get. You know how it is...you get a Tee Shirt with holes in it and it fits just perfectly and you never want to throw it away? Well sometimes, after washing red dirt clothes...they become the same :) Boys will be boys. Beautiful picture my friend. :) Have a great day and I know you don't probably celebrate Thanksgiving but Happy Thanksgiving from me to you and your family. :) I'm thankful that you are such a dear sweet friend :)
Sooooo lovely shot Rosidah
he looks so CUTE :-)
Have a wonderful day
Hahaha. Your son is exploring his world. It's good that you can see the photo opportunities. :)
Looks like a beautiful place to visit with that turquoise water and white sand.
Yes - here, especially in AZ, they sell Red Dirt shirts. So, you're just ahead of the game! LOL!
@All: Thanks for the wonderful comments and stopping by at my blog. I hope everyone has a pleasant week and holiday if you celebrate :)
@Quilly: I checked out your link. The shirts look great. I think I'll let my son take another dive to match the colors ;).
@Nessa: TY. Have a wonderful holiday :).
@Anya: Have a wonderful day and holiday, too.
@Pat: I might start on my own shop. My son gives me a lot of supply ;).
@Stine in Ontario: Great photo opportunities as long as I'm not too stunned for taking them. LOL
@Amanda: His adventures have become mine too...in a whole other sector. I have to become an expert on laundry :).
@Pacey: I kind of miss the fun of childhood, but I have to remain some dignity in front of him.
@Kathy: Happy outdoor Wednesday, too :). Thanks for stopping by.
@Thom: Don't tell my son, but I think my whole family actually prefers perfect T-shirts like that. I must hide his from the closet, because he has the most of them and refuses to wear others. I don't mind, but it needs some struggle when we are off for some invitations. Have a wonderful holiday, my friend. I'm also very thankful to have you as friend. xoxoxo
@Waileng: Thanks for the great tip. I will try it :)
@Storyteller: Happy Blogoversary! I just went to your blog to wish you even more precious moments to share. Hugs and blessings from Indonesia :)
Very sweet Outdoor Wednesday post! Little boys know how to get dirty! Reminds me of the nursery rhyme: Snips and Snails and puppy dogs tails, that's what little boys are made of.
So nice stopping by to visit with you. Thanks for coming to my place and leaving your comment.
Kindly, slh
Your son is acting like a kid!! It's good that you can see the humor and photo op. in his little adventures!
Your travel pictures are so interesting. I love to see other parts of the world, so different from here.
Have a good weekend!
Heidi- Heart and Home
That's is so funny, yes boys will be bous. You never know what to expect next.
Hi Rosidah,
Great picture on your son there. :)
I had similar incident while drilling clay bricks in the wet. What I did was blast it with high pressure water through the other side of the shirt. It works for my work shirt, about 50% cotton and 50% polyester. not for my socks though. Have to throw those away.
Hi dear,I like the quote:“Every child and every generation must have the opportunity to explore, discover and learn in these outdoor classrooms".It's kinda sad to see children nowadays spend so much time on their PC playing cyber games instead.
@Eileen: So true. Thanks for stopping by :)
@Heidi: TY. Have a good weekend, too. xo
@Alex: Hi, thanks for the tip :). I'll try it. Hopefully it works on my son's clothes, too.
@SLH: What a lovely rhyme. I think it suits well. I thank you for coming to my place and leaving your comment :).
@Vicky: Hi, dear :)! You are so right. In our days there were much more outdoor activities. I wish that for my children, too.
such a gorgeous beach cove! When I read about your son I am reminded of when my son was little... ah.
boys will be boys. You have to just laugh and thank goodness he is healthy and can get into dirt and fun. Enjoy him, they grow up sooooo fast!
So true ! Boys will be boys and it's good that they want to be outdoors too. have a great day:))
Your little guy is all boy. That is a wonderful photo. I hope you have a great Outdoor Wednesday.
What a cutie! But what an adventurer---sounds like you have your hands full!
Both photos are wonderful.
@Tammie: The pleasure of childhood might be one of the greatest. Thanks for stopping by, Tammie :)
@Teresa: You are so right on this :). Thanks for stopping by.
@Susan: TY, Susan. Both of my hands are full ;)
@Keats: Outdoor activities are the best! I just wish there were stain resistant cloths ;)
@Mary: TY. I hope you have a great outdoor Wednesday, too :)
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