I know I'm too early on this post, but I'm currently taking advantage of a speedy connection. So I thought it would be okay because a lot of times I'm struggling with the speed of a snail at home.
When I was searching for an encouraging song to start the week, I came upon Miley Cyrus' song The Climb
and really loved it. Just listen to Miley Cyrus' The Climb lyrics and I hope you can feel the spirit, too. Have a wonderful week, my dear friends!
When I was searching for an encouraging song to start the week, I came upon Miley Cyrus' song The Climb
Thanks for hosting this meme, LJ
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PS: Because of spamming purposes, the linky will be closed on Thursday of each week at midnight, Malaysian Time. Thank you!
19 appreciated note(s):
Great music choice, Rosidah. I hadn't heard this before. I like it.
Rabbit, Rabbit.
Wonderful choice.
Sunny Sunday #4 - Sunny Bunnies
it's up to us to keep climbing and reach the the top! Not easy but we can only grow stronger. thanks for the lovely lyrics. Have a lovely day!
nice song..
I'm not a big fan of her's but this was good. Have a happy MM and I'm glad you had a great internet connection :)
I can almost hear my li'l girl singing into this tune, she just adore Miley so much... (*winks). It pays to have kids and know the current songs of teenagers, right friend?
Hola Rosidah! A nice song from Miley, tho I'm not a huge fan! He he! Happy MM sweetie, hugs! :)
am not a big fan of hers too but I really like this song. Happy MM!
i can't stand HM! BUT! i love this song! lol
Hi my dear friend, glad I came over here earlier...I was able to post a music too. I've joined, I've joined!
Hi Rosidah
You have a wonderful choice with music !!!!!
Its a very special song today...
Have a nice day
Anya :)
Kareltje =^.^=
By God she really can sing. :) I have never listened to her music or fallen into the whole craze. But I'm older than most of her fans. :)
It's my first time to listen to Miley and know that it's her. I like this song already. Nice pick.
I like this song even though I've heard it a million times thanks to my daughter who is a huge Miley/ Hannah Montana fan.
Hello Rosidah. I love this song especially the lyrics.
Rosidah, the older kids (mine included) make so much fun of this little girl but I like her. I have heard this and seen this video before and it is awesome. She has a lot of talent. Happy MM to you sweetie!
Good song!
love this one!
Hi Rosidah, thats a beautiful song, heart warming.
You have a pleasant week and keep a song in your heart, Lee.
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