Daily Traffic Jam Today I have written about striving to a goal. I have shared some romantic memories from my past, and now you are lookin...

Ruby Tuesday & Sepia Scenes 28: Soulmates
What a relief, it is finally raining! The last two days have been extremely hot here and made me feel more difficult going through all the t...

Quotable Thursday 2: Goal Quote by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
I have been feeling like running out of time these past few days. So much to do, so little time. However, I have to keep my spirits high. Th...

Blogthings: What Hairstyle Are You?
YOU ARE A PONYTAIL You are energetic, laid back, and a lot of fun. You are ready for whatever life throws at you. Your idea of styl...

Blogger Follower List Error
Hi All, just wanted to let you know that I am having troubles to see my follower list on the blog and at the dashboard. So, I hope you wil...

John Mayer: The Heart of Life #MM
Yesterday, I have been watching Ghost Town on DVD and the song "The Heart of Life" by John Mayer caught my attention. It is the ...

Out of Camera
White and Yellow Flower I'm temporary out of camera. Both of my camera memory cards got damaged. I was taking some photos at our yard i...
I've Been Tagged: Captured In Black And White
My friend Mariuca has been posting about this simple, but beautiful tag and I decided to play along. I love photos and quotes! That explain...

Window Views 1: Welcome
Welcome to Window Views Wow, I'm feeling like on a marathon here! Three great memes were launched on the same day, and I love them ...

Dinah Craik Friendship Quote
Three great memes have been launched this Thursday: Think Green Thursday, Window Views, and Quotable Thursday . I think all of them are ver...
Think Green Thursday 1: In The Spirit of Earth Day
White Rose Think Green Thursday is a new meme hosted by Gina aka Pagan Sphinx, which focuses on the concept of environmental awareness...

This Way Thurs-Way 5: Teeth Specialist Signs
It is time for another This Way Thurs-Way. I have made a collage of teeth specialist signs that I had noticed at several places when we wer...

How to Add Scrollbars to Blog Widgets
I have been seeing a lot of blogs with scroll bar blog lists and wanted to apply one of my own to add the First Commenters Club Blogroll, w...

Susan Boyle Proves Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover
Uploaded by observateurs I think most of you might already have heard or read about Susan Boyle by now, haven't you? She is the new si...
Sepia Scenes 27: Decoration at Dolphin Auditorium
Decoration at Dolphin Auditorium, Gelanggang Samudera I was searching an image for Sepia Scenes #27, when I remembered the first photo in o...

N Is For...
Hello, my name is Rosidah. My nationality : Indonesian. Thank you for visiting my notes here. It's time for a new ABC Wednesday and w...
Gelanggang Samudera, Indonesia
Dolphin Auditorium at Gelanggang Samuder a, Indonesia I have been through our family archives again and found these photos from a vacation ...

Music Monday: One Step At A Time (Jordin Sparks)
Uploaded by Telledizon I really love this song by Jordin Sparks, American Idol 2007. The beat is right and the lyrics a good reminder for ...
Take A Closer Look
Red Hibiscus One of my favorite places to take photos would be my parent in law's complex. They have a lot of beautiful flowers arou...

Bug on Wildflower
Bug On Wildflower Happy Birthday, Luiz ! Wishing you a lot of joy and happiness as you step into another year Photo Properties Locat...
The Story Behind The Hot Blog Award
This is another award from my friend Pacey at Today's Blah I'm so thankful & delighted that she thought of me for The Hot Bl...
Pre-Scheduling Your Blog Posts
Okay, I find myself really amused right now. I should have done this in the first place, because it is actually one of the most simplest thi...

The Story Behind The Kreativ Blogger Award
On April 8th I got a lovely surprise from Pacey at Today's Blah . I'm so thankful & delighted that she thought of me for The Kr...

The International Blogger Community
Today I got a lovely surprise from my friend Mariuca . She tagged me as a member of the International Bloggers Community Thank you, I re...
An Eternal Flame
Sun from My Balcony Photo Properties Location: My Balcony (Indonesia) Camera Model: KYOCERA Finecam 410R Flash: Not used Focal Length: 3...