I'm on a bad Internet connection since Friday. I can't post or go visiting blogs right now, but I'll try to catch up as soon as ...

...I just need to hear the harmony
I'm on a bad Internet connection since Friday. I can't post or go visiting blogs right now, but I'll try to catch up as soon as ...
This flower is another photo taken from our vacation to the Safari Garden Hotel & Restaurant. A place that belongs to Taman Safari Ind...
A few days ago my 5 year old son brought home some fish from the pond. But last night my husband asked him to release the fish again, becau...
Source: Amazon.co.uk Well, actually I tagged myself. I guess I'm in a tag mood right now, so I searched the keywords "I've Been...
Today I got a lovely surprise from my dear friend Thom at Thom's Place 4 Well Whatever . I'm so thankful & delighted that he th...
On June 12, 2009 I got a lovely surprise from my friend Kim at Stuff Could Always Be Worse . I'm so thankful & delighted that she t...
“Our inner strengths, experiences, and truths cannot be lost, destroyed, or taken away. Every person has an inborn worth and can contribu...
Thanks to Sarah Lulu at Normal Is A Cycle On A Washing Machine for this week's assignment. This is what she said: Well since I'm ...
Click the button to find more Friday Fill-Ins links Thank you for hosting this great meme, Janet ! And...here we go! 1. I grew ...
I love being around mother nature, because I find it so relaxing. Taking photos of plants and animals is a real pleasure to the soul. Alth...
I have been visiting my dear friend Carleen this morning and found out that she had come across this interesting site called How Many of Me...
It is time again for A Thousand Words In Idioms . These are the words of Jientje , our lovely host at Heaven is in Belgium : As long as peop...
If you think these are Double Trouble lighthouses... ...you are actually wrong! Sometimes it takes another look or a different angle...
When my dear friend Betsy from Joyful Reflections asked me this following question here, I instantly knew what song I was going to post for...