“Our inner strengths, experiences, and truths cannot be lost, destroyed, or taken away. Every person has an inborn worth and can contribute to the human community. We all can treat one another with dignity and respect, provide opportunities to grow toward our fullest lives and help one another discover and develop our unique gifts. We each deserve this and we all can extend it to others.” (Source: Thinkexist.com)
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Thank you for hosting this great blog carnival, Lisa

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Thank you for hosting this great blog carnival, Mary
Thank you for hosting this great blog carnival, Mary
Thank you for hosting this great meme, Pamposh!
37 appreciated note(s):
That's a really cool flower.
What a beautiful photo and the quote is wonderful and so true. Thank you for sharing. I hope you have a great week and that your internet gets up to speed LOL. Aloha :)
Beautiful quote and flower Rosidah.
Wow that is one great qoute Rosidah! It's so inspirational and I love it. :)
Happy week to you! *MUAH*
You have quite a talent for compiling memes and getting the most out of every one! This is an intriguing flower. what is it?
I really wish I knew the name of the flower, but I don't. I saw this flower at the side of a path at Safari Garden.
Wow---what a unique flower.... We all do have unique gifts, don't we???? Love that quote, Rosidah.
Hope you have had a great weekend.
I love the shot - it looks much like a painting!
The quote is quite a compliment to the flower.
My post is here: Carletta’s Captures.
That is a beautiful photo and the quote is perfect.
What a great post, thank you.
yeah, I can see some uniqueness in these budding flowers!
Nice shot and wonderful quote.
Thank you for sharing.
It's a lovely flower, Rashidah and I love the quote!
I just LOVE this! What an inspirational way to start out the day!
that is a special flower for sure. so exotic.
Hi Rosidah this a rare and unique flower.
Nice quote too.
Unique flower! Looks tropical to me so not something I'd likely see here in Canada. ;-)
It's really beautiful. Have a wonderful weekdays, Rosidah.
What a beautiful flower, I haven't seen one like this before.
Beautiful quote, Rosidah, and the flower is so different and nice.
Good week for you.
Hi Rosidah
Very special flower,
I have never seen before ;)
Have a nice evening ^__^
( I was this weekend to the Dutch sea.... I wish Kareltje could type comments .... LOL )
What oh what is the plant???
Beautiful flower and nice quote Rosidah, have a great day..
Such a unique flower.
The quote you share is wonderful too.
thanks for sharing this amazing shot of flowers...I love especially the wordings here and i believed in it...take care always!
Very Lovely! Thank you.
I am enjoying reading your journal.
What a beautiful way to start my day. Yes, I am a little late getting started but I planned it that way. No clock for me today.
Thank you.
Truly lovely!!
Great quote. Great flower.
Beautiful Flower!! Love the color of it, it's my favorite color! Have a great evening!
What an uplifting quote and a beautiful flower. Have a wonderful week Rosidah.
Lovely! I've not seen this beautiful species before :) Have a great day!
We have to remember those words ..., sometimes we forget, and what we contribute the most is to our family and friends.
What beautiful words... something I need to hold on to, we all need to hold on to... thank you.
That photo is beautiful!
Great inspiration from these words. Thanks for sharing.
Every person has an inborn worth and can contribute to the human community. We all can treat one another with dignity and respect, provide opportunities to grow toward our fullest lives and help one another discover and develop our unique gifts.
Well said Rosidah! Such uplifting words that we do not hear everyday in the real world. There are much more appreciative people on the Internet than in real life.
I wonder why?
Those are wonderful words to live by. This flower is spectacular, I have never seen it before.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting, Rosidah
What a sweet little bloom Rosidah and I love the splash of color at the tip!
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