My five year old son is really enthusiastic about taking photos and videos. Whenever he sees one of my cameras laying around, he will grab it and start shooting. I have been saving some of his results to our archives. The photo below is one example. He was storming into the room, while screaming, "Mom, quick! Where is your camera? There are lambs on the field!" He had spotted them from one of our windows at the second floor. I gave him the camera, and off he was to take this photo.

We actually have a lot of critters visiting our area, but I still find it very difficult to capture them on camera. Whenever I'm ready to shoot, they are already gone. I got lucky with this little fellow here who was hoping around on our star fruit tree. Have a wonderful weekend, everybody!
We actually have a lot of critters visiting our area, but I still find it very difficult to capture them on camera. Whenever I'm ready to shoot, they are already gone. I got lucky with this little fellow here who was hoping around on our star fruit tree. Have a wonderful weekend, everybody!
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Thank you for hosting this great blog carnival, Misty!
23 appreciated note(s):
Your son is a great photographer. That is such a lovely, peaceful photo of the lambs.
I love the bird on the star fruit tree too. It's so vivid.
Always such a pleasure to visit with you Rosidah.
Both of my girls are little photog's in the making - and they get some really GREAT results.
That is a great bird shot - they are hard to capture!
I can't believe you had sheep right outside your window! That's really neat! Love your Camera Critters shots this week and all your other great photos this week. I'm sorry I haven't had time to visit on a regular basis lately. I have two more very hectic weeks and then I'll be on my summer break from work for 6 weeks! I can't wait! Have a great weekend and a wonderful week ahead!
Hi Rosidah
Yesssss I have lambs
behind my garden LOL
The hole day behhhh behhhhhhhh behh
I live in a village with many lambs cows chicken HEHE
Its a hole animal center here....
I have a crazy mood today ;)
Sorry !!
Lovely shots,
I wish you a very happy weekend
Your son is a better photographer than I am. What excellent pictures both of them are. He sure does have a fine teacher
Have a great weekend
These are terrific, 5 year old or not Rosidah, you have an artist on your hands!
So he has officially played Camera Critters this week!
Aww... lambs are so cute.. he got a really great shot of them!! =)
Pandai! your boy, nice shots.
Love the birdie you shot.I know what you mean ,shooting birds is my biggest challenge too.
Have a beautiful Sunday, dear.
I agree, by the time I get my camera, they are gone. Wow that bird is great.
Hi Rosidah, The pictures are GREAT. I cannot believe that your 5-year old is so grown-up...
Thanks for the 'critter' pictures.
How absolutely wonderful that you let your five year old use your camera! He's experiencing nature, artistic expression, and your trust all at the same time. And he took a darn fine photo there, to boot!
I know what you mean about not having the camera handy. Yesterday I missed out on a fox, a turkey AND a groundhog.
Thanks for stopping by, and thanks for the follow!
Beautiful photos!
Pictures were taken by your son? Wow, I'm impressed
Your little guy did a great job getting a lovely balance in the first photo!
And I know how you feel about trying to take bird photos! I have just been struggling today to get a good shot of a crimson rosella for next week's Camera Critters! What a drama!
But your photo turned out so clearly! Well done!
beautiful sandy
Your son did a great job! But your bird, wow--that's some photograph. You couldn't have paid him to *pose* any better, with the flowers just right. Obvious where your son gets his talent!
How lovely that your little boy is so keen on photography - great shots.
wow wonderful visitors there!
Happy Camera Critters!
purrs and noselicks
Like mother like son.
You both take lovely photos!
Love this bird shot! Nicely composed.
Sounds like you live in a beautiful place. Well done to your son!
What a great photo he took tell him he did great.
Your son is a budding blogger Hooray! The second shot is mind boggling beautiful!
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