I'm on a bad Internet connection since Friday. I can't post or go visiting blogs right now, but I'll try to catch up as soon as possible. Thank you for all the kind visits and wonderful comments. It means a lot to me. I published this post from another connection. Poor me! LOL
Sick Bosidah on your internet service provider...Let her evilness do some magic. and if she needs help...send her my way...LOL...you poor thing...I guess your speed test a long time ago was right LOL. Have a great weekend my friend :) Aloha
I hate it when that happen, but Thank God it rarely happen here.Anyway there's a McDonald within walking distance from my house and there's free WIFI there, I can surf using my laptop or handphone there if my home connection is down. Hope yours will fix soon.
Rosidah, I'm sorry for you,I know very well what you are feeling. It's so bad when we can't access internet. Have a great week and hope your connection cames to normal.
Hello Rosidah! I haven't been visiting for a while, sorry about that! And now I see you have problems with the internett! That is too bad! Really hope you get to fix the problem soon!
Hello my friend. I hope all is well with you and your family. I miss you and am hoping it's just the internet connections. I send all my Aloha to you and your family :)
31 appreciated note(s):
You will be missed. Take care and enjoy your weekend.
Look forward to your return.
I hope your back online at home soon! I hate being unconnected!
I'm sorry Rosidah... Hope you can get it fixed soon. It's no fun without Internet ---is it?????
Have a great weekend.
Sick Bosidah on your internet service provider...Let her evilness do some magic. and if she needs help...send her my way...LOL...you poor thing...I guess your speed test a long time ago was right LOL. Have a great weekend my friend :) Aloha
Hang in there!
Hakuna Matata Rosidah. We all experience that from time to time.
Cheer up! :)
Have a lovely weekend!
pooooooooooor Rosidah :(
I now its not funny !!!
We are waitingggggg LOL
Have a nice weekend
Anya )
Kareltje =^.^=
Oh, no, you poor baby!
Have a great weekend.
Oh dear, don't be sorry, my friend, it's not your fault.
All will be ok, and we will see you back in no time and everything will be behind you and you will be back to normal!
Thanks for the heads up. I'll check back later.
Thanks for dropping by my blog! You have a great blog here:)
wishing you a good connection soon!
It's ok girlfriend I will look for you in the next few days!
I hate it when that happen, but Thank God it rarely happen here.Anyway there's a McDonald within walking distance from my house and there's free WIFI there, I can surf using my laptop or handphone there if my home connection is down.
Hope yours will fix soon.
Rosidah, I'm sorry for you,I know very well what you are feeling. It's so bad when we can't access internet.
Have a great week and hope your connection cames to normal.
I will try to get back again in a few days and see if your connection has improved - internet has become really unstable, wonder why?
Oh no! I was wondering where you have been. just came by to check in to see if everything was ok. Hope you'll be back soon! Hugs!
Me too. Rosidah. Took so long to post the 'Art from the heart'.
Hello kalimera, Michalis
hope you got your connection back.
That's quite alright - We'll be here when you get back!
ROSIDAH,Hello Morning, which saw Michael sou.gia blog
Hope your connection gets better soon.
I know that it must be driving you bonkers not being connected! Huge huge hugs!
Have a nice weekend
We are missing you :(
Hope all is well with you !!
Kareltje =^.^=
Anya :)
Rosidah, I miss you! Insh'Allah, you'll get your internet connection working again soon.
Please hurry back Rosidah! We miss you!
Just coming to say hiiii! Thinking of you!
Don't worry about computer problems, I have another award for you, The Best Follower, I thank you for commenting.
Hello Rosidah! I haven't been visiting for a while, sorry about that! And now I see you have problems with the internett! That is too bad! Really hope you get to fix the problem soon!
Wish you all the best! :)
Hello my friend. I hope all is well with you and your family. I miss you and am hoping it's just the internet connections. I send all my Aloha to you and your family :)
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