10 June 2009

A Thousand Words In Idioms: M and N

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
It is time again for A Thousand Words In Idioms. These are the words of Jientje, our lovely host at Heaven is in Belgium:

As long as people have been around, they have tried to communicate with each other. As a means of getting the message across as clearly as possible, idioms and sayings have found their way into our language. Now, because "a picture paints a thousand words", I thought it would be nice to make this a new photo challenge. The idea is to choose an idiom, or a saying, (even slang is allowed) and illustrate it with a picture. Each week we'll cover two letters of the alphabet, okay? The very first edition is here if you need some inspiration. If "language is the dress of thoughts" (Johnson), then idioms must be the wardrobe ...

This time I got my idioms from UsingEnglish.com. If you know another site, please let me know. Thank you.

M is for "Mickey Mouse"

If something is Mickey Mouse it is intellectually trivial or not of a very high standard. I would love to know why Mickey Mouse was chosen for this idiom definition? As far as I remember he belongs to the smart cartoons out there and is a leading character. LOL. The photo above is a part of my daughter's room wallpaper.

N is for "Night Owl"

A night owl is someone who goes to bed very late. This photo is taken from one of my Camera Critters entries. It is an owl at Taman Safari Indonesia.

Click the button to see more idiom images
Thank you
for hosting this great meme, Jientje

20 appreciated note(s):

Anya said...

I go look on that english site,
its for me always .......
when I must english write LOL

( Don't laugh, I have a BIG mickey mouse sitting on my bed .. LOL)
I am a great disney fan :)
(Disney world Paris in France, I go visit....)

Melli said...

Verrrrrry nice! I always thought Mickey got a bad rap on that idiom too!

The night owl is a great shot!

DeniseinVA said...

An enjoyable post, and your owl photo was truly incredible and so beautiful.

Unknown said...

Poor Mickey Mouse! The children loved him and I do too. When they were small, I gave a birthday party themed Mickey Mouse. We had such fun . We wore things Mickey , played games etc that showed we loved him.

Jientje said...

I love the night owl! But they're both great!! Thank you so much for playing, Rosidah!

Vicky said...

oh dear! I think I am a night owl!!

Jientje said...

Oops, did Blogger eat my commment?

ItaJeff said...

Hi Rosidah!
I found your page from Carleen's blog. Nice posts and pictures.

Lots of luv,

Anonymous said...

I am a night owl, I love that idiom :)
Great choices for this week's letter.

Ingrid said...

Very interesting ! I never heard this idiom about Mickey Mouse. The other I knew, I was one long time ago, lol !

Carleen said...

Salam, Rosidah. :) You chose a couple of great idoms for this week. I love the photo of the owl!

Carletta said...

Poor Mickey - he's such a sweet guy too! :)
I love the owl peeking out of the trunk!

I played today too - my first.
Hope you're having a great day.

Anonymous said...

What a great idea and two interesting idioms today Rosidah.

quilly said...

Outstanding! That owl photo just blew me away. Too cool.

You daughter's wallpaper is cool, too. And I always wondered how Mickey Mouse came to be considered below par, when Disney was always top notch!

Anonymous said...

I love the owl picture. They are such a fascinating species. Great Idioms my friend. Mickey is so cute. I emailed two sites I use :) Aloha

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Great M and N words, Rosidah... Love that picture of the Owl... The tree is fabulous!!!! We have an old dead tree near us --and it also is full of holes!!!!


Unknown said...

Now ya got me hooked on posting idioms...you like having a good time dontcha?

I remember watching the Micky Mouse Club reruns...M.O.U.S.E...M is for Micky.

That owl looks like he wants to say something...so sort of word of wisdom...like...Whoooo are You?

RA said...

@ Jientje: No, your comment has appeared :)
@ marcelaf: I have tried to visit you, but your OpenID link couldn't be accessed. I'm so sorry. Hopefully you read this.
@ Thom: Thank you for sending the links
@ Kim: It's great that you joined :)!

Anonymous said...

Huhu, want to join the idioms, but am not sure how to start.

Nessa said...

Mickey Mouse was a surprise choice. Very good. Your owl is beautiful.