“What a fine lesson is conveyed to the mind -- to take no note of time but by its benefits, to watch only for the smiles and neglect the frowns of fate, to compose our lives of bright and gentle moments, turning always to the sunny side of things, and letting the rest slip for our imaginations, unheeded or forgotten! How different from the common art of self-tormenting!”
Quote by William Hazlitt (Source: Thinkexist.com)
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Thank you for hosting this great blog carnival, Lisa
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Thank you for hosting this great blog carnival, Drowsey Monkey

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Thank you for hosting this great blog carnival, Mary
Thank you for hosting this great blog carnival, Mary
Thank you for hosting this great meme, Pamposh!
35 appreciated note(s):
Super photo!!
That's very pretty and you covered quite a few memes with this one.
This is surely poetic and artistic
Now I will sing the whole day !
Nice little flower and text !!!!
Wonderful photo and you are also so nice and thoughtful to thank everyone...you are indead a true dear friend and I for one am glad to have gotten the pleasure of getting to know you and your family...Aloha my friend and have a great week :)
What a colorful flower; just stunning.
great post, yes, always be positive on the outlook of life...
Hi Rosidah. It's the time of the week again.
You have a fabulous flower. perfect shot!
Have a nice week.
Hello dear, how are you? Love your post here, just love it because it's macro, yellow, and really adore the title! =) I'll keep it in mind =) Have a great week!
You make a great point Rosidah! A sunny flower and words of wisdom!
Wish you all the best!
Hi Rosidah..happy to see you around...it's get how you made all these meme in one! great job indeed...and you got lovely flowers too! take care..
Fantastic makro shot :)
( I must always a makro shot make from Kareltje)
Next time a make also a shot from a flower :) LOL
Girl! This is a sweet little yellow bud, I love how soft little buds look just before they open, beautiful capture!
Nice photo & beautiful poem. Thanks for sharing.
What a beautiful, bright bloom!
The brilliant yellow flower is enhanced by the slight, but bright, red accents. It is amazing how nature just knows how make the stylish details that make the flower even more beautiful...
The quote is very inspirational. Thank you for sharing with us. Sunny - that is the right word for the picture.
Beautiful bloom - mellow yellow for sure and just a lovely touch of red!
My post is here: Carletta’s Captures.
Beautiful flower and fits all meme's perfectly.
Yes, always turn to the sunny side of things. Gorgeous photo.
How pretty, and efficient too - you covered a lot of memes there!
I love that photo. But, I super-duper love that quote. I'm going to copy it over to my blog so that I will always have it at my finger tips. It's something I could use reminding of from time to time. I will post a link back here also.
I hope you don't mind.
I don't mind. You're welcome to blog about this quote :). The original source I have found it on is Thinkexist.com
A challenging quote complements the delights of your flower! Beautiful post!
What a beautiful flower - it makes me smile.
the red tint is certainly eye-catching! lovely shot.
I do believe you are the queen of multi-meme!! good work :)
I love the flower
Lovely shot. Great quote and one I needed to read today. I usually live by that philosophy but at the moment am caught in a pit of gloom and not only not looking for the sunny side but pulling the shades closed. Sigh.
A beautiful opening... a beginning...
What type of flower will this be?
I just loooove how you roll all of the blog carnivals together into one! I need to do that more too because every one is so fun and special in different ways!
Wonderful photo ... and admirable multi-tasking!!! Most impressive accomplishment ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
Beautiful! Thank you for sharing.
very pretty
Great photo and such a beautiful flower.
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