02 May 2009

Today's Flowers #38: Hieroglyphics of Angels

Saturday, May 02, 2009


I feel very honored to be this week's Guest Friend.
Thank you all for the kind visits. Have a great week.

Flowers have spoken to me more than I can tell in written words. They are the hieroglyphics of angels, loved by all men for the beauty of their character, though few can decipher even fragments of their meaning.
~Lydia M. Child

This is a tribute to my late aunt who suddenly passed away in March.
I took a lot of photos in her garden, not long after the funeral.
Looking at them makes me feel closer, whenever I miss her.

The following flowers belong to my blog photo archives.
A click on each of them will lead you to the related post.
The purple orchids also come from my aunt's garden.

59 appreciated note(s):

misz_A said...

cantik2 nyer bunga

maryt/theteach said...

Such beautiful flowers, Rosidah! I know you miss your aunt...

Anonymous said...

What great photos. I really enjoyed these. Have a great day :)

Lin said...

Beautiful photos, Rosidah! Have a great day!

Anya said...

What beautiful colorful flowers:)
They make my day gooooooooood ^__^

Anonymous said...

Beautiful flowers Luiz could not have chosen a better guest friend!!!

Cat said...

HI, I found your blog through Candle Junkie -- I LOVE your pictures!!! I would absolutely love to learn photography like you! What an amazing gift, and something to be admired.

Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Lovely Rosidah!! Have a good Sunday!! :)

My Today Flowers won't be up till another 12hrs :p

Midlife, menopause, mistakes and random stuff... said...

I followed you over from Ann's place. I hope you don't mind?? I'm so glad that I did.
What a fantastic blog you have going here!!
These close-ups of flowers are amazing. Would you please consider joining us for our "Friday Shoot-Outs"?? the subject this week is gardens. I posted some details about it on my yesterday post. We invite everyone to join our "gang" and have a fabulout time. We just post pictures around a given subject each Friday.
Hit me up at my blog if you would like to help us in our little venture. I'd love to see your town through your amazing photographs.
Take good care and........

Steady On
Reggie Girl

Tess said...

Rosidah, your flowers are sooo beautiful, you capture every details.
I had an appointment in Dc a week ago, the Doc is one of the top doctors in Washington DC so I am hoping that he can help me fix this problem. I had an x-ray and a CT scan on my sinus/head, I am going to see him again this May. Thank you so much for asking, I appreciate it. I miss hearing from you and everybody. I hope you have a wonderful week ahead and happy Mothers day in advance.

Ebie said...

Lovely photos as usual. But what is striking to me is the variegated dark purple and beige rose.

Flying Solo said...

What a beautiful complete series!
Love it!

DeniseinVA said...

Dear Rosidah, I am so sorry for the loss of your Aunt. She would be very happy to see this post, it is a loving tribute to her. Your photographs are breathtaking, thank you for sharing them with Today's Flowers, and congratulations on being this week's Guest Friend. The flowers you shared for the home page are a delightful collection of lovely blooms. Your love for photography shows very much. Have a great week.

2sweetnsaxy said...

Lovely shots of these lovely flowers. I'm so sorry about the loss of your aunt. May peace be yours.

sunnymama said...

Beautiful flowers and how special that they help you feel closer to your aunt. Thanks for sharing :)

Island Style said...

These are really lovely..the rose? third one down is so striking! I'm a day behind. Have a wonderful one-

Norm said...

love those gorgeous series of flowers...very pretty...

Pat - Arkansas said...

Congratulations, Rosidah. Your beautiful photos certainly deserve the Guest Friend designation. The flowers are all lovely. Please accept my belated sympathies on the passing of your aunt. It's clear to see that you loved her very much. Thanks for sharing the flowers from her garden.

MedaM said...

This is great collection of really various and gorgeous flowers. I am honestly delighted. This is also a loving tribute to your aunt. I am sorry about your lost.

melita said...

What a lovely idea to show flowers in your aunts garden - she sure would appriciate this !

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens said...

Hi Rosidah; Your late aunt has a very special garden, beautiful with so many different flowering plants. Each does tell a story about her, how it was loved and cared for to be so beautiful today.

david mcmahon said...

Truly, a wonderful way to honour your aunt.

Leora said...

So sorry to hear about your loss. The flowers are a wonderful assortment, a special tribute to your aunt.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Rosidah: I very nice show both here and on the opening, you can be proud of your offering.

Mamapippa said...

These are wonderful flower, and lovely tribute to your aunt !


Beautiful flowers Rosidah - and a wonderful tribute to your aunt!
The deep purple rose with the white - that is simply gorgeous! So are all the flowers on Today's flower too!

Congrats with the opening today!
Best wishes!

Reader Wil said...

Sorry your aunt passed away! these beautiful flowers are a great tribute to her!
Thanks for your visit. Have a nice week.

Anonymous said...

This is a beautiful tribute to your aunt.

Anonymous said...

I love that purple flower from your aunt's garden, it's so rare and I've never seen that before. Congratulations for being the host for today's flowers. Your aunt had a great collection in her garden. My mom used to have a beautiful garden too but unluckily I couldn't follow up on it coz I was so busy and then I just gave them to my agriculturist cousin, they would be better cared for with him. :)

Mariamellie said...

Hello dear! congratulation for you to be the guest host today! and this is a real nice tribute for your aunty and her lovely garden, what a hope that she is now in the garden of delight! I wish you have a wonderful week ahead! hugs! =)

Tulip said...

awesome series of flowers. nice shots for this entry.

Barbara said...

A Beautiful tribute to your Aunt. Smiles Barbara

Rosamaria said...

Sorry about your aunt, Rosidah. Wherever she is, I'm sure she's happy with your honor.

Congratulation for been the guest friend today! You deserve, your photos are wonderful.

Have a good week.

Thumbelina said...

They are beautiful shots. I love your montage at the Today's Flowers site too. I wanted to comment there to tell you that but could not find the link to the comments page. :(

These are beautiful though - your aunt must have cared for her flowers very much. Now immortalised in your photos. :)

Vicky said...

Rosidah, the third picture has an usual rose to me.yes, lovely tribute to your aunt. Have a great day too.

Unknown said...

She had many pretty flowers - you were smart to snap the photos and use them to help you remember. :) Love all your flowers!

Blossom said...

Lots of beautiful flowers, Rosidah. My condolence for your aunt's family.

Tara said...

Hi, congratulations for being the guest host for today. I wonder what the last flowering plant is called. Nice garden here.


Great series of so pretty flowers...
Nice tribute to your aunt!
Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

salam pagi Isnin Rosidah... aku suka bunga yg nombor 3 tu... mawar dengan warna akan2 maroon.. unik & cantik!

Anonymous said...

My condolences about your aunt. It is nice that you have these beautiful flowers to remind her by. Wonderful photos.


Müge Tekil said...

Magnificient photos dear Rosidah! My condoleances for your aunt.

Linnea said...

So many lovely flowers with different textures, colors, and shapes. How nice to think of your beloved aunt when you see flowers!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

That purple with white streaks rose is most unusual. i have been to many rose gardens in NZ, and have not seen one like this. Did you say that your aunty grew them. I hope some one is maintaining her garden now.

Thanks for commenting about the NZ Guava, Very Chantek, but not as delicious as the South East Asian ones.

Marie Reed said...

What a wonderful tribute to your very missed Aunt! Beautiful!

Jama said...

She must have a very beautiful garden! That 2 colour rose is very nice, I've seen a red and white rose here but not of that colour.

Regina said...

Lovely flowers. Nice shots as always!

Kimberly Michalski said...

Do you also sub,it your work to photography editors? Some nice images here.

All best,


mimi said...

what a stunning series of photos.

mimi said...

i love the burgundy rose very unique color.

EG CameraGirl said...

Beautiful collection of photos!

♥ Denise BC ♥ said...

String of beautiful colors and shapes. Thank nice visit.

Hugs, DeniseBC

dennisthemennis.co.uk said...

What a beautiful thing to do.....

Michele said...

What a wonderful way to remember someone so dear and near to you... these flowers are pretty treasures and jewels of the mind and will stir up memories of all those beautiful moments that you and aunt shared...


Unknown said...

Wonderful flowers. Tis the season, here too.

Anonymous said...

I've not seen some of these flowers before..they're beautiful :)

JonJon Rosaleen said...

I love the purply+whitey rose! ;) unique and haven't seen one for real! Glad if mommy could have something like this in her garden.. Unique.. and cute.. and adorable!!

Luiz Santilli Jr said...

Congratulations my Friend,

Wonderful post and great TODAY'S FLOWERS "Guest Friend"!
Thanks for sharing!


storyteller's other blog said...

What a LOVELY way to remember and celebrate your Aunt's life. My heartfelt sympathies on your loss ...
Hugs and blessings,