This weeks menu comes from a cozy little hotel called Cihampelas Hotel 2. You can see fried noodles and beef oxtail soup that we have ordered through their room delivery service. Yummy! It was a tasty meal to warm up the body in a cool weather.
I have posted before that we went on a long weekend in Bandung. Since it was a last minute decision almost all hotels were booked on this national holiday and we searched for another alternative on the Web. I call it lucky that we finally stumbled upon this hotel's site and were settled for the family room. It might be a small hotel, but after our arrival everything turned out like promoted. The fried noodles and beef oxtail soup were yummy. Nice staff, hotspot, TV cable, AC, hot & cold water and a highly accessible location to Cihampelas Bandung, one of the most popular shopping centers in this city. Nothing for a long stay according to me, because of a slight humidity in the room. Nevertheless, cozy enough for a short stay.
14 appreciated note(s):
Cihampelas, Cihampelas......o ya, saya tau, itu jalan ada di Bandung dimana ada banyak toko2 untuk belanja baju.
Sebenarnya, di Bandung tidak ada apa2 lagi.
Salam kenal
Hi Gildo, we have to go a little bit upper town of Bandung if we want to see more beautiful scenery. But I guess you know that already ;). You speak Bahasa Indonesia very well. Thank you for stopping by! Salam kenal juga.
I've had fairly good luck finding places on the internet too. Looks like they set a nice table.
Your foods are yummy! We had noodles yesterday too. Sometimes if I cant go to Asian store, I will use spaghetti noodles but its not the same, have you tried that before? Hope you have a wonderful week ahead! God bless!
Yes, I have tried that before. Pizza Hut here also serve some spaghetties for the Asian taste. God bless you, too :)
I am glad you had such luck! your part of the world looks wonderful....
Oxtail soup with rice, so delicious, I gonna get them today..
wow..so yummy..Thai Foods are indeed delicious..hope u can try when you visit Thailand...thanks for the comments..hope to visit here every now and then..
Hallo Rosidah, vielen Dank für Deinen Besuch auf meinem Blog! Warum kannst du so gut Deutsch?
Liebe Grüße, Maria
mmmm.... the soup looks good. i wonder if its the same with our local sup tulang (bone soup)
Hi Rosidah,
Thanks for your comment in my blog. I appreciate it, and hope you come back.
It was great to see you are here in Indonesia....are you in Jakarta?
Looks like a very yummy feast :)
Please visit my blog, Rosidah to view the award that I have honored you with :)
-Ann Marie
I wonder about that too, Alex :).
Yes, I'm living at the border of Jakarta :).
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